In this episode we get to hear the story of how the Amiga classics Speedball 2 and The Chaos Engine came to be from the legend Dan Malone himself. Co-hosting this episode is Mattias Kylen who was a guest in Spelskaparna in episode 52. We get to know what Dan is doing today, if he would ever would make a new Speedball game, the secrets behind his amazing pixel art and much more!

- Palace Software
- Speedball 2
- 2000 AD
- ZX Spectrum
- C64
- Super Thief
- Sacred Armour of Antiriad
- Cauldron
- Bullfrog
- Pat Mills
- Bitmap Brothers
- Scala Cinema
- Atari ST
- Color Palette Amiga
- Anti-aliasing
- The Bitmap Brothers Universe
- Action Replay
- The Chaos Engine
- Amiga 1200
- Z
- Magic Pockets
- Renegade Software
- System 3
- Last Ninja
- Rebellion Developments
- Son of Jams
- Speedball 2 Evolution
- Dave Gibbons
- Watchmen
- Ideaworks Game Studio
- System Rush
- The Incredible Art of Dan Malone
- Code the Classics (Raspberry pi book with art by Dan Malone)